Shoyoroku - Case 77: Kyozan: As His Profession Requires A monk asked Kyozan, "Your Reverence, do you know letters or not?" Kyozan said, "According to my capacity." The monk immediately turned around once clockwise and said, "What letter is this?" Kyozan drew the ideograph for "10" [ + ] in the earth. The monk turned himself around once counter-clockwise and said, "What letter is that?" Kyozan modified the sign" + " into a swastika [1]. The monk drew a circle in the air and lifted his two palms like Asura [2] vigorously holding the sun and moon and said, "What letter is that?" Kyozan immediately drew a circle enclosing the swastika. The monk at once represented the vigor of a Rucika [3]. Kyozan said, "Good, good. Keep it with care." [1]: Manji in Japanese; a symbol of Buddhism. [2]: Originally a Hindu deity, here one of the eight supernatural protectors of Buddhist Way. [3]: The buddha Rucika wailed at his fate at first because he was the last of the thousand buddhas in this cosmic period. But then he made up his mind to be the energetic protector of the Dharma for all other buddhas. Two powerful figures of this buddha are seen at the entrance gate of many temples in Japan (named Nio).